Luís Duarte Vinhos

Privacy Policy

1. Personal details

1.1 What is personal data?

Personal data is any information, of any nature and on any medium, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable person is one who can be identified directly or indirectly, e.g. by name, identification number, location data, electronic identifier or other elements that make it possible to identify that natural person.

The privacy and protection of the personal data of all Clients and users of the services provided by Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. is an essential aspect in the way it operates and organizes itself.

The Privacy Policy of Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. thus aims to ensure that all its Clients are aware, at all times, of the rules and principles relating to the protection and processing of personal data, with Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. making every possible effort to ensure the security of this data, in accordance with the rules and procedures defined in the applicable legislation.

In the online communication media of Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. you may find access links to other websites which are unrelated to our entity. The provision of such links is made in good faith and Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. cannot be held responsible for the collection and processing of personal data carried out on these websites, nor can it be held responsible for the accuracy, credibility and functionality of websites belonging to third parties. Therefore, the provision of links to other websites unrelated to Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. does not imply any assumption of responsibility in relation to them.

Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. also recommends that its Clients adopt complementary security measures, including the maintenance of duly updated and configured equipment and programs, the use of protection against malicious software and firewalls and that they refrain from browsing websites for which they do not have the necessary guarantees of authenticity.

This Privacy Policy may, at any time, be subject to alteration or revision, with any alterations or revisions being duly disclosed and communicated in the Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. online media.

1.2 Who are the data subjects?

The Client or User, a natural person to whom the data relates and who has used the services or products of Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. The Client will be the person who enters into the contract with Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. and the User is the person who uses the services or products of the same entity.

2. Processing of personal data

2.1 Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

The entity responsible for processing your personal data will be Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. which provides the service or supplies the product and which, in view of this scope, decides which data to collect, the means of processing and the purposes for which the data will be used.

3. Basis for data processing

3.1 What are the circumstances in which we process your personal data?


When your express consent is obtained – in writing, or by validating an option on an electronic form and if that consent is free, informed, specific and unequivocal.

Consent of minors

In the case of processing the personal data of minors, which may be subject to consent, Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. will require consent from the holders of parental responsibilities.

Execution of contract and pre-contractual steps

When the processing of personal data is necessary for the conclusion, execution and management of the contract entered into with Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda., such as for the preparation of a service proposal, for the management of contacts, information and requests, for the management of invoicing, collection and payments.

Compliance with legal obligations

When the processing of personal data is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. is subject.

4. Purposes of data processing

4.1 For what purposes do we process your personal data?

  • Marketing and Sales

  • Customer Management and Service Delivery

  • Accounting, tax and administrative management

  • Compliance with legal obligations

The Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. entity may, in the course of its activity and within the scope of the Services it provides, subcontract third parties for the pursuit of the aforementioned purposes, which may imply access by these entities to the personal data of its Clients. When this happens, Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. takes the appropriate measures so that the entities which will have access to the data offer the highest technical, organizational and human guarantees at this level. Thus, the Subcontractors of Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. will be obliged, under the terms of the law, as well as by virtue of the contract signed with Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda., to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures for the protection of personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, dissemination, alteration, disclosure, unauthorized access and against any other form of unlawful processing, as well as being bound by special duties of professional secrecy and confidentiality.

Apart from these cases, Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. will only transmit the personal data of its Clients to Third Parties when:

a) it is obliged to do so by virtue of a legal provision and only to the strict extent of its obligations;


b) If the Customer expressly and specifically authorizes such transmission and is duly informed, in writing, of the recipients of the personal data and the purposes of the data transmitted.


4.2 What are the deadlines for processing and storing personal data?

Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. processes and stores your personal data in accordance with the purposes for which it is processed.

There are cases in which the law obliges data to be processed and stored for a minimum period of time. However, whenever there is no specific legal obligation, the data will only be processed for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected and stored and always in accordance with the law, the guidelines and decisions of the CNPD.

Therefore, Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. will process and keep your personal data for the period during which it maintains a contractual relationship with you.

Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. may keep personal data for periods longer than the duration of the contractual relationship, either on the basis of your consent, or to ensure rights or duties related to the contract, or because it has legitimate interests that justify it, but always for the period strictly necessary for the fulfillment of the respective purposes and in accordance with the guidelines and decisions of the CNPD.

5. Collection of personal data

5.1 How do we collect your personal data?

We collect personal data with your consent when you purchase products or services from Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. The collection may be done orally, in writing or through Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda.’s online media.

But your personal information may also be collected from publicly accessible sources or other sources.

Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. only collects and processes the personal data of Clients with their express consent, in accordance with each of the specific purposes of the processing in question, under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (whose implementation in the Portuguese legal system is ensured by Law no. 58/2019, of August 8).

Clients may withdraw their consent at any time. There are, however, personal data which are indispensable to the provision of the Services by the Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. entity, and Clients are duly and previously informed of this need and of the consequences of not providing said data.

If the personal data considered indispensable is not provided by the Clients or proves to be insufficient, incorrect or out of date, Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. will not be able to provide the contracted Service(s), in which case the Clients will assume full and exclusive responsibility for the insufficiency or incorrectness of the data transmitted.

6. Data protection rights

6.1 What are my rights??

Right of access: The right to obtain confirmation of what personal data is being processed and information about it, such as the purposes for which it is being processed, retention periods, etc.

Right to rectification: The right to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data or to request that incomplete personal data be completed (such as address, VAT number, email address, telephone numbers, etc.).

Right to erasure or to be “forgotten”: The right to obtain the erasure of your personal data, in cases where this is legally possible and provided that there are no valid grounds for its retention, such as cases in which the data must be retained in order to comply with a legal obligation.

Right to portability: The right to receive the data you have provided in a commonly used, machine-readable digital format or to request that your data be transmitted directly to another entity that becomes the new controller of your personal data.

Right to object to automated individual decisions: Right to object or withdraw your consent at any time to data processing, in cases where this is legally possible (such as in the case of data processing for marketing purposes).

Right to restriction: The right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data, in cases where this is legally possible, in the form of:

a) Suspension of processing

b) Limiting the scope of processing to certain categories of data or processing purposes.

Right to complain: The right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, the CNPD.

6.2 How can you exercise your rights?

The exercise of rights is free of charge, except in the case of a manifestly unfounded or excessive request, in which case a reasonable fee may be charged taking into account the costs. Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. must confirm proof of your identity and may request any additional information necessary for this purpose.

The response to requests must be provided within a maximum of 30 days, unless it is a particularly complex request (in which case the aforementioned period of 30 days may be extended to 2 months).

You can exercise your rights at the following addresses:

Entity: Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda.

Address: Address: Monte do Carrapatelo – Apartado 108, 7200 – 999 Reguengos de Monsaraz


7. Proteção de dados pessoais

7.1 How does the Entity protect your personal data?

Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. applies the technical and organizational measures necessary to ensure that, by default, only the personal data of Clients necessary for each specific processing purpose will be processed, and these measures are reviewed and updated periodically by the department responsible.

The Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. entity has implemented the appropriate logical, physical, organizational and security measures which are necessary and sufficient to protect your personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, dissemination or unauthorized access.

Whenever it is necessary to communicate the personal data of its Clients to Third Parties, Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. guarantees that:

a) the sharing of personal information complies with the legal regulations in force;

b) the transmission is carried out securely;

c) the third parties are contractually obliged to observe the duties of confidentiality and secrecy and to ensure the security of the personal data communicated to them for this purpose, and may not use such data for any other purpose, for their own benefit or for the benefit of third parties, or correlate them with other data available to them.

Cookie Policy

1. What are cookies?

Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. uses cookies on its website to improve its performance and user experience.

Cookies are small text files stored on the Client’s computer through the internet browser, storing only information related to the user’s preferences (generic information), thus not including the user’s personal data.

The cookies used by Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. comply with the principles of anonymity and confidentiality and have the sole purpose of recognizing the user, not being used under any circumstances to collect information that identifies the user, nor for direct marketing purposes. Cookies help the Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. website to recognize the user’s device the next time they visit.

At any time, the user can, through their browser, decide to be notified of the receipt of cookies, as well as block their entry into their system.

Please note that refusing to use cookies on the website may result in the user being unable to access any of its areas and/or receive personalized information.

2. What are cookies for?

Cookies are used to help determine the usefulness, interest and number of uses of the Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. website, enabling faster and more efficient browsing, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information.

3. What kind of cookies does Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. use?

The cookies used by Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. have different functions and are distinguished in the following terms:

1 – Strictly necessary (essential) cookies: these allow browsing of the website and use of its applications, as well as access to secure areas of the website. Without these cookies, the Service(s) subscribed to by the Client cannot be provided. Some cookies are essential to access specific areas of the Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda. website.

2 – Analytical cookies: performance cookies to find out which pages are the most popular, which link between pages is the most effective or to determine why some pages are receiving error messages. These cookies are only used for statistical creation and analysis purposes, without ever collecting personal information.

3 – Functionality cookies: these store the user’s preferences regarding the use of the website, so that it is not necessary to reconfigure the website each time you visit it.

Cookies can be

Permanent: they are stored for a variable period of time in the browser on your access devices and are used every time you visit the website again. They are normally used to direct browsing according to the user’s interests, allowing us to provide a more personalized service.

Session Cookies: These are temporary and remain in your browser’s cookies until you leave the website. The information obtained allows us to identify problems and provide a better browsing experience.

4. How do I manage cookies?

All internet browsers allow the user to accept, refuse or delete cookies, namely by selecting the appropriate settings in the respective internet browser.

After authorizing the use of cookies, the user may always deactivate all or part of the cookies of Luís Duarte Vinhos, Lda.